November 2022 Minutes
Allington Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Allington Village Hall
9 November 2022
Attendees Cllr Plummer
Cllr Mould
Cllr Goodall
Cllr Marsh
Cllr Reynolds
Cllr Scott
Janet Morton Clerk
Guests 8
Forum discussions
A resident asked for more people to assist in preparing the Wild flower patch requires clearing ready for replanting in the spring.
Objections and discussion regarding the planning application at The Rookery included
Access too narrow, the amount of traffic due to also home delivery vehicles as well as the residents, the access is difficult to swing into and would have to go onto The Green to swing in.
Buildings would be much higher than the Red House which is on The Green therefore having an impact on the conservation area. Out of character with the existing properties.
The Council recommended that everyone put in their objections and not to bunch them together thereby having more impact.
Cllr Plummer welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Cllr Sharp – Work commitments
District Cllr Mark Whittington
District Cllr Pam Bosworth
Declarations of Members interests in relation to agenda items declared.
Cllr Plummer declared an interest regarding the planning application for The Rookery.
Cllr Goodall declared an interest regarding a planning application. However, approval has already been received prior to the meeting.
Requests for dispensations from Members received.
It was resolved to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 7 September 2022 to be approved as minutes.
Clerks’ correspondence and to resolve to agree any subsequent actions.
Operation London Bridge – Instructions regarding the Queens death
Operation London Bridge Calendar – Instructions regarding the Queens death
Grantham Proclamation of Accession - 3pm on Sunday 11 September 2022
Hire of MUGA for a birthday party – unfortunately away on holiday and too short notice
Funding News
Parishes Policing Priority Setting Meetings Feedback Form
New villager with son who is doing DOE and needs volunteer work
South Kesteven District Council - Local Development Scheme 2022-2025
Christmas Tree lighting schedule to Unmetered supply operative for 2022
Town and parish council newsletter October 2022
Cost of Living - Warm Space letter has been posted to the Website
Have your say on the future of policing in Lincolnshire today
Planning agent acting on behalf of Clifford McCabe Ltd re The Rookery
Income was noted since 7 September 2022 as outlined in the respective Finance Reports.
It was resolved to approve the expenditure since 7 September 2022 as outlined in the respective Finance Reports. Proposed by Cllr Marsh, seconded Cllr Mould and agreed unanimously.
It was resolved to approve the Quarterly Accounts from June to end of September 2022. Proposed by Cllr Reynolds, seconded by Cllr Scott and unanimously agreed.
The budget to half year actuals was noted and agreed. This can be seen on the website.
It was agreed to move all monies not ringfenced from the Savings to the Current account to enable payments to be made until the end of the financial year.
The clerk expressed her concerns with being able to contact the bank that the Parish Council uses which is HSBC and their speed of answering and resolving queries. Several hours can be spent trying to resolve a simple matter. The Clerk has researched other alternatives and Unity Trust is used by several other parish councils and comes highly recommended along with 5-star reviews. Cllr Plummer agreed that now the local HSBC branch was unmanned it was a difficult bank to deal with. Cllr Marsh proposed and Cllr Mould seconded, unanimously agreed by all councillors to move the accounts to Unity Trust.
The budget for 2023-24 was shown to the Councillors showing an increase for inflation and projects for the year. The clerk explained the reasoning for the increases in areas, electricity has been increased by 100% in line with the current trend. The MUGA ground surface requires rejuvenation to prolong its lifespan. Cllr Mould proposed to accept the budget, seconded by Cllr Goodall and unanimously agreed. This can be seen on the website.
The precept for 2023-24 will be required to be increased by 11% due to inflation and the budget requiring total income of just over £30k. This equates to an increase of £0.06 per month for a Band D property. Even with this increase there is a shortfall of £1k, it was hoped that with careful planning saving could be made on purchases. The precept income will be £22k with other income coming from SKDC grant, playing field fundraisers and rental of the playing field. Proposed to accept by Cllr Scott, seconded by Cllr Marsh, unanimously agreed by all councillors.
Grass Cutting for 202/24
A quotation for the mowing of the grass around Allington including the churchyards, playing field, The Green and other areas around the village has been received from P E Hempstead & Son for £2770.00 plus VAT. It was discussed that an excellent service is received from this company who have looked after Allington for numerous years. Cllr Scott suggested that we accept this quotation for the next 12 months but the clerk gets some other quotes in for comparison for next year. This was agreed and proposed by Cllr Reynolds, seconded by Cllr Scott and unanimously agreed.
Winter Maintenance
A quotation has been received for: -
Cutting of the inside hedge at the playing field -£190
Trim the area in St James previously cut back last year - £70.00
Cut the lower branches and suckers from the trees in Park Road grass area - £60.00
In St James cut back Laurel bush by two thirds, cut back Yew by half, remove elder and bramble from the Yew, trim lower branches from cherry and apple trees subject to planning permission – £450.00.
No maintenance has been done in St James churchyard for several years and this has now become very overgrown. It is covered by the conservation area and planning permission is required to carry out any work.
Cllr Goodall proposed to accept the quote, seconded by Cllr Scott, unanimously agreed.
Cllr Plummer said that the potted history information board design and layout has been agreed, but he and Cllr Mould are continuing to source a viable substance and provider for the actual plaque.
Cllr Goodall says that Marston Lane has space for 7 oak trees. During the summer watering would be required for the first couple of years especially if there are any droughts. A lot of the trees that were planted have died during the drought. Cllr Goodall reported that treescape have the funding to replace the ones that have perished along Marston Lane, Community Wood and the Playing Field.
MUGA maintenance
Cllr Marsh reported that 2 quotes have been received: -
- Bi monthly maintenance £2300 inc. VAT
- 3 times a year £1740 inc. VAT
Both include Power Sweeping and Vacuuming to the surface, helping to prevent the build-up of silt and dirt.
A Major Annual Surface Cleaning and Aeration, top up sand levels (Specialist sand to be quoted separately). Rotary brush bristles go deeper in to the carpet providing light surface de-compaction whilst lifting the carpet pile and bringing contamination, dirt and dust to the surface. The dust is vacuum extracted and the cleaned infill is then returned to the carpet. An in-depth inspection of joints, lines and seams to identify any areas of damage or weakness.
Weed Kill treatment to surrounds and spot treatment to play areas.
If required Moss Kill treatment to surrounds and spot treatment to play areas.
It was discussed as to how often it needed treating and it was decided to accept the second quote of 3 times a year. This was proposed by Cllr Scott, seconded by Cllr Goodall unanimously agreed.
Petanque Piste
Approval for expansion of the piste as agree at the last meeting and work should be started in the next couple of weeks.
Car Park
The car park at times is not large enough and it has been suggested that the bollards are moved to extend the parking area allowing vehicles to double park with room for reversing in and out. It was agreed that there would be a site meeting ready for further discussion at the January meeting.
RoSpa report
The MUGA damaged fencing came up on the report, a quote has been received for over £2,000 to replace the 3 panels. It was agreed that this was too expensive currently and suggested that the damaged areas that protrude and are a hazard should be removed. Cllr Plummer will take a look at and remove any parts that appear dangerous.
The children’s play area floor surface requires attention due to splitting and lifting in areas. A post is rotting in the small assault course area. Clerk to see if a local contractor can do the replacement or if we have to get a specialist in to do it. Overall, a good report this year.
Community Wood
Possibly a tree and half of another tree require looking at Cllr Goodall will accompany a tree surgeon to look them. About 75 out of 100 new trees died along Marston Lane, 12 out of 20 in the new wood community wood and a large single tree on the playing field died during the drought.
To consider the following planning applications-
S22/1601 Permission Granted
Proposal: Repair and rebuild dry stone boundary wall with the replacement of pedestrian gates
Location: Eastleigh, The Green Allington
S22/1723 Permission Granted
Proposal: T4: Ornamental Prunus (cherry) - To Fell
The Small House Side Street Allington
S22/1873 Permission Granted
Applicant: Mr Matt Goodall
Enlarge existing window opening to create new main entrance/exit at front of dwelling, create a new opening for a window
School House Marston Lane Allington
S22/1704 Permission Granted
Mrs Margaret Swallow
Proposal: T21 - Lime - To crown lift to a maximum height above ground level of 4.5metres
19 Park Road Allington
S22/2012 Permission Granted
Applicant: Rachel Williams
Proposal: Change the proposed timber framed windows to aluminium framed windows.
Location: 44 Park Road Allington
Applicant: Mr Chris McCabe
Proposal: Full planning application for the demolition of an existing dwelling and its replacement with 3 no. detached three storey dwellings.
Location: The Rookery, The Green, Allington
The Vice Chair Cllr Marsh, took over the chair for the discussion on the Rookery development as Cllr Plummer had an interest.
Cllr Goodall stated that the application was not appropriate for the conservation area, too many buildings for the plot and too large (5 bedroom detached). The plot is raised and would tower over the houses in front and would be visible from Side Street above the existing properties. They would totally overlook the bungalows behind. Access is insufficient being very narrow for the parking spaces of at 7 vehicles which is not sufficient parking for three 5-bedroom buildings, each property could possibly have at least 4 cars. There is insufficient room for manoeuvrability/passing into the driveway which is very narrow, and shared with an existing property, this could cause overparking on The Green. Investigation around the requirements for emergency services.
Proposed to object by Cllr Goodall, seconded by Cllr Reynolds, unanimously agreed. Cllr Goodall is to draft the objection for the Clerk to return to SKDC.
Consideration of moving the defibrillator into the phone box
- Move existing cabinet as it is.Cost would be for the electrician and installation.
2) New Cabinet
3) Second Defibrillator
4) Use for another purpose
Cllr Marsh proposed the defibrillator to be moved from the village hall to the Red telephone box as it is. This would only incur costs of an electrician.
Cllr Mould thinks that the defibrillator is better left where it is as everyone knows it is there and the cabinet is getting quite old.
Cllr Scott believes that if it was moved the phone box would need the glass replacing showing that it has a defibrillator inside rather than saying telephone.
Cllr Reynolds prefers that the phone box to stay as it is and used for another purpose.
Cllr Scott proposed that we do not move the defibrillator at present and review as and when the cabinet is no longer usable and review in 6 months’ time, Cllr Mould seconded, all agreed.
Cllr Goodall spoke of the grant of up to £5k towards zero carbon, solar panels for the Village Hall is probably not possible due to it being in the conservation area. Another thought was on the shed at the playing field. Cllr Goodall will do further investigation.
Sewstern Lane had been cleared of the fly tipping and 4 x 4 vehicles and motocross bikes were re-using. However, fly tippers have re blocked the area preventing use by off road vehicles.
Zero Carbon Parish Funding
Jubilee Tree Planting
Village Cross plaque
MUGA maintenance
Wednesday 11 January 2023