January 2022 Minutes


Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Allington Village Hall

Wednesday 19 January 2022


Present:        Councillor Plummer

                        Councillor Marsh

                        Councillor Mould

                        Councillor Scott

                        Councillor Reynolds

                        Janet Morton (clerk)


Guests           District Councillor Mark Whittington




      Cllr Plummer welcomed everyone to the meeting. Cllr Plummer informed the council that Cllr Sharp has resigned from being vice Chairman due to personal commitments. 

      Cllr Marsh was nominated and proposed by Cllr Reynolds, seconded by Cllr Mould and unanimously agreed. Cllr Marsh accepted the position.



            2.1       Councillor Goodall - Covid positive

                        Councillor Sharpe  - Post operative

                        Councillor Reynolds departed the meeting at 20:30hrs - family commitments



3.1       To receive declarations of Members interests in relation to agenda items.

            3.1.1 No declarations received.

3.2       To consider request for dispensations from Members.

            3.2.1 No requests received.



4.1       It was resolved to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 17 November 2021.  Duly signed by the Chairman Cllr Plummer.


5.            PLANNING

            5.1       S21/2402 Approved

                        Date Received: 6th December 2021

                        Applicant: Mrs Mary McKinlay

                        Proposal: Non-Material amendment to pp S21/1343 to move the trench arch  drainage system from the south side of the church to the north side.

                        Location: Holy Trinity Bottesford Road

            5.2       S21/2122 Approved

                        Applicant: Jannette Mole

                        Proposal: Section 211 notice for the removal of dead wood and crossing branches of Copper Acer (T1), 40% crown reduction and thinning of branches of Cherry Tree (T2), reduction of  Conifer (T3), Cherry Tree (T4) and Apple Tree (T5), trimming of Malus (T6), trimming and                         20% crown reduction of Silver Birch (T9) and removal of limb, thinning of crown and 10% crown reduction of Hornbeam (T10)

                        Location: The Small House Side Street Allington NG32 2DZ     

            5.3       S21/1950 Approved

                        Applicant: Mrs Sarah Edwards

                        Proposal: Erection of garden studio

                        Location: Dalesforth Farm Main Street Allington Lincolnshire NG32 2DN

            5.4       S21/2198 Approved

                        Applicant: Mr John Slater

                        Proposal: Proposed Single Storey Extension to Front and Rear of Existing Dwelling.

                        Location: Lowfields Farmhouse Lowfields Lane Allington NG32 2EE

5.5       S21/1831

            Applicant: Mr Alan Duley

            Proposal: Erection of Conservatory in PVCU and Glass Polycarbonate, No Brickwork.

            Location: 46 Meadow View, Allington Gardens, Allington, NG32 2EH

5.6       S21/2479

            Applicant: Mr & Mrs Filby

            Proposal: Erection of a two-storey side extension, alterations to first floor bedroom to create an en-suite & partial demolition of existing double garage.

            Location: Old Manor Lodge, Bottesford Road, Allington, NG32 2DH,

5.7       S21/2330

            Applicant: Miss Molly Wright

            Proposal: Replacement of existing conservatory with oak framed orangery.

            Location: Woodbine Cottage, Side Street, Allington, NG32 2DZ.



6.1       All general correspondence circulated since the last meeting was noted.


            The Speed Indicator not working

            Free trees for Planting part of the Queens Jubilee

            Lincolnshire NHS diagnostic centres

            New site of Grantham CAB

            Right of way query


7.         FINANCE

7.1       Income was noted from 17 November 2021 as outlined below.



7.2       To resolved to approve the expenditure since 17 November 2021 as below.




7.3       It was resolved to approve the Quarterly Accounts for July to September 2021


8.         VILLAGE CROSS

8.1       Update on funds

            8.1.1    The total raised so far is £14949.91

            8.1.2    Cllr Scott to look at ‘just giving ‘pages that don’t charge for donations. 

            8.1.3    It was unanimously agreed that it would not be prudent to put the councils bank details on social media.  It was agreed that the clerk can be contacted by anyone wishing to donate and be given the bank details.

8.2       Village Cross renovation update

            8.2.1    A grant application has been sent to the Lottery Fund for £10,000.

            8.2.2    Historic England has surveyed the cross and informed the Council that the concrete  base that was applied several ago needs to be removed.

            8.2.3    The companies that have already given quotes have been asked to requote with the additional work required.



9.1       Lighting of the Beacon and events for the Queens Jubilee update. 

            9.1.1    A calendar of events has been produced by Cllr Scott with all the different events that are taking place each day with timings. 

            9.1.2    All the village groups are participating over the four-day weekend with events such as Open Gardens, Street Party, On the Green, Film Show, Petanque competition, Lighting of the Beacon plus many more events which will be published along with the             timings.

            9.1.3    A grant is to be applied via SKDC for assistance to help fund the various items that need to be bought for the event.

            9.1.4    District Councillor Mark Whittington advised that he understands Alcohol licences would be needed for each event unless they were on the same day in the same vicinity, a blanket licence covering the whole weekend would not be sufficient therefore each group will need to be apply for one where required.

9.2       Green Canopy.

            9.2.1    The project has an online database of newly planted trees.  Trees   added to the database are given a virtual plaque. It is suggested that we add all the trees which will be planted on the playing field, in the community wood and along the edge of the             Marston Lane bridleway to this database.

            9.2.2    The details of the project have been added to the Allington Parish Council website, Allington Parish Council Facebook page and Allington Village Facebook page.  There is a link for people to contact the Clerk if they have land on which they would be             prepared to allow tree planting for the Project.  The Woodland Trust will make trees available for any takers, providing there is public access to the land.

9.3       Discussion on usage of funds raised over the Jubilee weekend.

            9.3.1    Any monies raised by the individual groups should be used how they wish preferably towards improving and maintaining the village and its groups.



10.1     MUGA fencing Cllr Marsh and Clerk to investigate renewal of 3 panels

10.2     Playing field hedges and grass cutting

            10.2.1  The outside of the hedges has now been trimmed. 

            10.2.2  The interior hedges have not been trimmed for 3 years.  A quotation of £450.00 plus VAT has been received to trim the interior hedges which was unanimously agreed to accept. 

            10.2.3  The grass cutting contract for 2022 was unanimously agreed to remain with the existing local contractor.  However, quotes for comparison will be required for year 2023.

10.3     Dog Fouling

            10.3.1  This is an ongoing concern. GYFC who pay to use the area have to check the area and clean up deposits prior to a match which is unacceptable.

            10.3.2  It was agreed that signage is to be erected reiterating that it is a recreation area and for health & hygiene all dog mess should be cleared up and disposed of in one of the 4 bins on the playing field.

            10.3.3  Employment of a dog warden was discussed to clear the mess left by inconsiderate owners on a Saturday morning for one hour.  This was proposed by Cllr Marsh, seconded by Cllr Reynolds and unanimously agreed. This would be paid for via an                         increase in the parish  precept in 2023.

10.4     Dog signage for the MUGA

            10.4.1  Signage stating no dogs allowed in the MUGA for health & hygiene reasons, also signage requesting the gate to be closed when vacating was agreed to be sought.

10.5     Bonfire site

            10.5.5  It has been suggested that planting a wild flower mix on the bonfire site would enhance the area and promote food for insects and wild life.  It was unanimously agreed to support this.  Cllr Scott to research work required and all costings including a small fence around to protect from mowing.


11.       HIGHWAYS

11.1     Grit bins for the village and Allington Gardens

            11.1.1  An application was sent for the possibility of 3 grit bins for the village and Peach Lane.  The criteria were not reached for any of them due to being on a grit run in the village, for Peach Lane it had no incline. 

            11.1.2  A grit bin is to be purchased for the playing field to store the 1 tonne bag of grit that has been delivered for use on public roads and footpaths within the village that are not covered by the grit run.    

11.2     Peach Lane

            11.2.1  LCC Highways have agreed to place a sign coming from Sedgebrook towards Peach Lane notifying of a right turn ahead therefore possible traffic exiting. 

            11.2.2 All the landowners of the hedgerows along Peach Lane have been notified to cut back the hedges by both width and height.  District Councillor Mark Whittington is now urging the Council to issue the 28-day notice of enforcement to complete the work or the Council will do the work and charge the landowners.


12.       RED PHONE BOX

            12.1     Funds towards the red telephone box now stands at £1939.39.   Cllr Marsh has spoken to a supplier and the boxes reconditioned start from £2900.00 plus delivery, fitting and VAT. If power is required further charges will be incurred.  Cllr Marsh to investigate further.



                        Annual Parish Meeting

                        Shared Internet Drive

                        Hedges in St James churchyard

                        Village Cross

                        Red Phone Box

                        Queens Jubilee

                        Playing Field

                        Notice board for Allington Gardens



                                Wednesday 9 March 2022