June 2022 Minutes EOM



Notes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 23rd June 2022 at 18:30 in Allington Playing Field Building



Present Cllr Reynolds interim Chair, Cllr Mould, Cllr Goodall.

Janet Morton – Parish Clerk

  1. Apologies for absence


              Cllr Plummer, Chair – on holiday

              Cllr Marsh, Vice Chair – on holiday

              Cllr Sharp – work commitments

              Cllr Scott – on holiday


              Cllr Reynolds took the Chair on behalf of the Chair and Vice Chair


  1. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and requirements for dispensations.


            Non received.


  1. To receive the Internal Audit Report


The clerk read out the internal report and highlighted the areas that needed     improvement.


  1. Consider, approve and sign the Annual Governance Statements


After discussion it was Resolved to answer all the Annual Governance Statements with a positive outcome, all agreed – signed by Cllr Reynolds on behalf of the Chair & Clerk.


              It was Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements, All agreed            - signed by    Cllr Reynolds on behalf of the Chair & Clerk.


The Accounts are to have a Limited Assurance review as the Council had more than £25,000 income for the year 2021/22.


Meeting Closed