March 2022 Minutes


Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Allington Village Hall

Wednesday 09 March 2022


Present:        Councillor Plummer

                        Councillor Marsh

                        Councillor Mould

                        Councillor Scott

                        Councillor Reynolds

                        Councillor Sharp

                        Councillor Goodall

                        Janet Morton (clerk)


Guests           District Councillor Mark Whittington



      Cllr Plummer welcomed everyone to the meeting.  District Cllr Mark Whittington was       congratulated on becoming Grantham Towns Deputy Mayor as of May 2022.



            2.1       No apologies



3.1       To receive declarations of Members interests in relation to agenda items.

            3.1.1 No declarations received.

3.2       To consider request for dispensations from Members.

            3.2.1 No requests received.



4.1       It was resolved to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 19 January 2022.  Duly signed by the Chair Cllr Plummer.


5.            PLANNING

            Applications received and determined since the last meeting on 19 January 2022

            5.1       S21/2330 Approved

                        Applicant: Miss Molly Wright

                        Proposal: Replacement of existing conservatory with oak framed orangery.

                        Location: Woodbine Cottage Side Street Allington NG32 2DZ

            5.2       S21/1831 

                        Applicant: Mr Alan Duley

                        Proposal: Erection of Conservatory.                                                             

                        Location: 46 Meadow View Allington Gardens Allington Lincolnshire NG32 2EH

            5.3       S21/2479 Approved

                        Applicant: Mr & Mrs Filby

                        Proposal: Erection of a two-storey side extension, alterations to first floor bedroom to                                create an en-suite & partial demolition of existing double garage.

                        Location: Old Manor Lodge Bottesford Road Allington NG32 2DH

            5.4       S22/0364

                        Applicant: Sue Jackson

                        Proposal: T1 -Sycamore - Crown reduce sycamore tree by 3-4 meters

                        Location: Allington Hall, Bottesford Road, Allington, Lincolnshire, NG32 2DH

5.5       S22/0383

            Applicant: Mr Paul Hempstead

            Proposal: Works to Trees

            Location: St James Church Yard, Bottom Street, Allington, Grantham, NG32 2DT



6.1       All general correspondence circulated since the last meeting was noted.

                        6.1.1    Queens Jubilee update letter.

            6.1.2    National Grid re upcoming work on power lines.

            6.1.3    AGRA letter re updating the refurbishment of the defibrillator on The Gardens.

            6.1.4    Request for written support for improvements to Holy Trinity Church.


7.         FINANCE

7.1       Income was noted from 19 January 2022 as outlined below.




7.2       To resolved to approve the expenditure since 19 January 2022 as below.




7.3       It was resolved to approve the Quarterly Accounts for September 2021 December 2021


8.         VILLAGE CROSS

8.1       Update on funds

            8.1.1    The total raised so far is £15382.84.  


8.2       Village Cross renovation update

            8.2.1    Requests for the renovation is now waiting for Historic England to respond and give                         approval regarding the type of stone to be used.  Hopefully this will be resolved by                         the end of March 2022. 

            8.2.2    3 contractors have been asked to quote for the renovation: -

                        a)         Goldholme Stone have given a quotation of £35,762.98 inclusive of VAT this                                     includes removal of the concrete plinth and cleaning of the cross.

                        b)         Stamford Stone initially gave a quote of £14,820.00 including VAT but when                                     asked to requote with the additional work required of removing the concrete                                     plinth, they would not give an exact figure stating that additional work would                                     be costed as work progressed.  This was due to them not knowing what they                                     might find once the concrete was removed from the plinth.  Councillors                                          considered that this approach may result in too much additional and unknown                                     cost.

                        c)         RLS Restoration Ltd has given a quote of £22,200.00 including VAT.  This                         includes replacing the plinth and cleaning the cross with the latest Thermatec                                 system which will help with matching the new stones and making the                                             pointing less visible.  They also recommended the use of Cadeby Limestone                                 as being the most resilient as opposed to Clipsham/Ancaster Stone.

            8.2.3    Cllr Scott proposed RLS Restoration to do the work, seconded by Cllr Reynolds and                        unanimously agreed by all councillors.

            8.2.4    Cllr Mould and Cllr Plummer will contact the firm and inform them of the decision.                          The Council is now waiting for agreement from Historic England to been given as to                         which stone and mortar is to be used .  Once this has been agreed the Clerk will write                         a formal letter for RLS to proceed.                            

            8.2.5    £6,700.00 including VAT shortfall to be made up from council funds.  The VAT will be                         reclaimable and any surplus funds will return to the councils working capital                                   Cllr Sharp proposed and Cllr Marsh seconded all councillors unanimously in favour.

            8.2.6    A grant application that had been sent to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for up to                         £10,000 unfortunately this was unsuccessful.           



9.1       Lighting of the Beacon and events for the Queens Jubilee update. 

            9.1.1    A calendar of events has been produced by Cllr Scott with all the different events that are going to take place each day over the Jubilee weekend with timings.  This       will be published on all media sites. 

            9.1.2    Cllr Scott is to apply for a grant from SKDC for assistance to help fund the various             items that need to be bought for the events.

            9.1.4    Fireworks and other costs come to approximately £1300 plus VAT which Cllr Scott is             hopeful that the grant (if successful) will cover.  Cllr Scott is going to see if other             sources would be willing to cover the expenses if the grant is unsuccessful.

9.2       Green Canopy.

            9.2.1    Trees have been planted along Marston Lane, and others are due to be planted in the Community Wood and Playing Field.  The trees are to be added to the Green        Canopy database and given a virtual plaque.  Cllr Goodall to follow up.



10.1     Cllr Marsh and Clerk have been investigating renewal of 3 panels, still awaiting responses             from companies.  It was discussed whether the damaged ones could be repaired Cllr Sharp             to look into this.

10.2     Playing field hedges have now been trimmed for the first time in 3 years.  A dead silver birch             was also removed.

10.3     Dog Fouling on the playing field seems to have improved with none being located by the dog             poo warden.

10.4     Signs to encourage people to collect their dog excrement have been purchased and will be             placed around the playing field along with one for the MUGA stating no dogs allowed inside.

10.5     Wild flowering the bonfire site has been agreed and volunteers have been found for this to             proceed.  It is expected that it will cost no more than about £50.     

10.6     Refreshing of the toilets

            10.6.1  Security gates outside the toilets require adjusting Cllr Scott volunteered to sort.

            10.6.2  The sapele doors are deteriorating and will need replacing in the near future.

            10.6.3  The walls within the toilets need refreshing.

            10.6.4  A deep clean is required of both toilets to bring them up to scratch.

            10.6.5  A light in the ladies doesn’t work.

            10.6.6  The internal screens in the toilets require some attention to stop them wobbling. 

                        Cllr Plummer said he would repair these.

            10.6.7  A filing cabinet needs to be removed and a cleaners cupboard installed.

10.7     A sink, cupboards and worktop have been sourced by Cllr Scott who has volunteered to fit             the items and connect the sink outside waste pipe.



11.1     All sites are now up to date with Minutes with a link to the Parish Council Website.


12.       HIGHWAYS

            12.1     There was a discussion as to whether the road would be needed to closed during the cross                         renovation.  It was decided this would not be necessary due to access being available                               around the cross for any vehicles however this will be checked with the contractor.

            12.2     District Councillor Mark Whittington informed the council that the signs warning of the turning                         to Peach Lane are on order and the SLOW painting on the road has been done.


13.       RED PHONE BOX

            13.1     A quote has been received from X2 Connect for the placement of a red telephone box fitted                         out ready for a defibrillator to be connected.  The total cost will be £5,225.00 plus VAT.  The                         ringfenced funds raised so far stand at £2,023.00.  The shortfall of £3,202.00 to be made up                         from council funds was proposed by Cllr Marsh, seconded by Cllr Reynolds and                                       unanimously agreed by all councillors



            14.1     Cllr Goodall agreed to lead the Great British Spring Clean for the village this year.  Updates                         will be posted regarding this.


15.       Annual Parish Meeting

            13 April 2022



            11 May



                        Hedges in St James churchyard

                        Village Cross

                        Red Phone Box

                        Queens Jubilee

                        Playing Field

                        Notice board for Allington Gardens

                        7 Jubilee Trees

                        Moving of existing Defibrillator or purchase a new one.