July 2019 Minutes Building Project Meeting EOM

Allington Parish Council


Extraordinary Meeting


Minutes of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall

Friday 26 July 2019 at 19:00



Present:         Councillor Plummer                        Councillor Sharp

Councillor Marsh                 Councillor Reynolds

Councillor Jackson             Councillor Mould

Councillor Goodall                  Janet Morton (clerk)            


2 Villagers




Opening remarks


The chairman opened the meeting thanking councillors for attending this extraordinary meeting.  This meeting had been convened to clarify the position of the Parish Council having a loan for the Storage Facility on the Playing Field.






There no were apologies.



Declarations of Interest



There were no declarations of interest.



Consultation for a Loan



Councillor Jackson gave the reasoning that a loan of £20,000 was for the building of a brick-built storage unit to replace the unsightly and aging portacabins.  Currently the Playing field fundraisers have raised 50% of the money towards the build. It was explained that the current fund-raising events from the Playing field fundraising team should be sufficient to cover the loan over the 5-year period.  Only in extreme circumstances would it be necessary to raise the precept.


After discussion, Councillors concluded and agreed unanimously that the loan was necessary.









Signed ……………………………………………………….    Date …………………………………..