December 2024 Minutes (EOM)

Allington Parish Council 

Minutes from the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Allington Village Hall Annexe on 10th December 2024

Present: Cllrs S Reynolds (Chair), S Marvin (Vice Chair), J Plummer, C Baron, C Storer and A Scott
In attendance: R Hilton Clerk and Responsible Officer 

It was resolved under Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting on Tuesday 10th December on the grounds that the matters on the agenda contain confidential information.

1. Welcome
The Chair welcome everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies
Apologies were given by Cllr A Lowes.

3. Discuss, agree and implement the procedure for advertising or displaying within the village - including the use of the village cross railings
The agenda item was discussed, and it was proposed that for any display or advertising on property maintained by the Parish Council, approval should be sought from the Parish Council via the parish clerk.  The proposer was Cllr Reynolds and seconder Cllr Marvin.  Councillors voted that the proposal become a resolution.
Clerk to notify other groups within the village of this procedure.

4. Discuss the management / use of the Parish Council bank current account, in particular, the inclusion (or not) of ring-fenced funds.
The agenda item was discussed and accounts circulated.  It was proposed by Cllr Reynolds and seconded by Cllrs Scott and Storer that the possibility of setting up a separate account for ring-fenced funds should be investigated.  Councillors voted that the proposal become a resolution.

5. Discuss and approve the draft budget for next year for the precept to be submitted by 17th January.
Budget information had been circulated prior to the meeting. The agenda item was discussed in detail. The levels of precept were considered along with precepts requested in 23/24 and 24/25.  Further to an in depth discussion Cllr Plummer proposed that the precept request for 25/26 should be £29,000.00. This was seconded by Cllr Marvin.  Councillors resolved that the clerk should complete the application to SKDC for a precept of £29,000.00.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.