November 2024 Minutes

Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held at Allington Village Hall on 13th November 2024

Present; Cllrs S Reynolds (Chair), S Marvin (Vice Chair), C Baron, C Storer, A Lowes and R Leadenham (SKDC)
In attendance; Rebecca Hilton (Clerk & RFO), two village residents

Cllr Reynolds welcomed all those in attendance.

Cllrs J Plummer and A Scott gave apologies in advance due to holidays.  Apologies also received from Cllr M Whittington (Lincolnshire County Council) due to work travel.

No declarations were made.

It was resolved to approve the draft notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th October 2024 as a true record of the meeting.  The minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting on 9th October 2024 were agreed with one amendment requested by Cllr Baron to point 14 – the cost of the Solar Panel Speed Sign should read approximately £3,000.00.  Approval was proposed by Cllr Marvin and seconded by Cllr Storer.

The clerk’s report comprised a list of correspondence received since the previous meeting held on 9th October as detailed on the agenda;
Guarantee for Village Hall Drain Repairs 
Maintenance Report from Smith Construction 
Belvoir Ward Briefing Meeting on 22nd November 
Quotations for the Village Hall Broadband supply
Lilac Rose Cottage – ownership / maintenance of land in front which runs up the side of the cottage.
Proposed plan and elevations from Grace Machin
Internal Audit – it was resolved that this would be booked
Sedgebrook PC have defibrillator signs for sale 
Email from resident regarding waste put on the bonfire
Email from National Grid regarding Festive Illuminations – the clerk confirmed that a reply had been sent to National Grid 

New invoices received were read out by the Clerk.  It was agreed that the following should be paid;
Invoice received for £400.00 for planting out the planters.    
Invoice received from Smith Construction for maintenance of the MUGA £360.00.
Invoice received from EDF energy for £114.19.
Invoice received from PE Hempsteads £442.50.

Invoice received from Belton Garden Centre for the WI bench £249.00 paid as agreed
Payment received from WI for the bench £249.00.
Invoice received from and paid for the booking of the group, Dynamics for the next Big Weekend, £390.00.

The accounts and budget detailed on the agenda were reviewed.  The recently increased employer National Insurance contributions introduced by the Government were raised as expenditure for consideration with budget preparation.  

Village maintenance expenditure was questioned as being greater that than the budgeted amount. The Clerk confirmed that the expenditure related to benches paid from the Mary Thompson Grant along with four large planters ordered and delivered during the summer.  

A query was raised regarding total income received against overall expenditure in relation to the account being supported by fundraising income. The clerk confirmed that all income and expenditure was correct.  The issue was raised as prior to the meeting, the full account spreadsheet had not been sent to all Councillors only what was detailed on the agenda.  

Applications and work allowed, sent out in advance of the meeting were read out by the clerk;

-    Application No: S24/1684 Applicant: Mr Paul Adams Proposal: Section 211 notice to fell (T1) Cypress and remove (T2) Betula Pendala. Location: The White House, The Green, Allington, Lincolnshire, NG32 2EA App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice Case Officer: Telephone Ext: Email: Miranda Beavers 6302 I have received a Notice for consent to carry out work on trees as described above within the Conservation Area. The forms, plans and any other submitted documents can be viewed by clicking on the following link, using the format S24/1684:  Any comments should have been received by 22nd October 

-    Application No: S24/1683 Applicant: Graham Anderson Proposal: Section 211 notice to pollard a row of Horse Chestnuts trees on the rear boundary of the property backing onto properties in Park Avenue. Location: Eastleigh , The Green, Allington, Lincolnshire, NG32 2EA App Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice Case Officer: Telephone Ext: Email: Venezia Ross-Gilmore I have received a Notice for consent to carry out work on trees as described above within the Conservation Area. The forms, plans and any other submitted documents can be viewed by clicking on the following link, using the format S24/1683 : 
Any comments should have been received by 22nd October 2024 

-    Application No: S24/1683 Date Received: 30th September 2024 Applicant: Graham Anderson Proposal: Section 211 notice to pollard a row of Horse Chestnuts trees on the rear boundary of the property backing onto properties in Park Avenue. Location: Eastleigh The Green Allington Lincolnshire NG32 2EA Decision/Date: Work Allowed 7th November 2024

Expenditure from the Mary Thompson Bequest was discussed.  The clerk confirmed that the new benches had been paid from the Bequest but previously a defibrillator had also been bought from the fund.  A query was raised as to the detail of the bequest.  
The clerk and Chair confirmed that the only document found on the electronic files does not detail this information.  It was suggested the Cllr Plummer might know the exact information but that the clerk should contact the solicitors.

The works to the village hall drains has been completed. The Village Hall Chair has confirmed that the drain smell had disappeared. 

Quotations for broadband for the village hall had been circulated to all prior to the meeting. One quotation was for £27.00 per calendar month for a two year contract, the other £32.95 per calendar month also for a two year contract. The Clerk mentioned that a query had been raised as to whether the broadband provision would be a beneficial investment.  It was reported that a meeting is due to be planned with key members of the Village Hall Committee to discuss their updated Business plan and accounts, broadband and a grant previously received by the Village Hall Committee from the Parish Council. 

A new defibrillator case is available for installation at the village hall once the old one has been removed.  It was agreed that a certified electrician would be needed.  The chairman of the Village Hall chair may be able to provide contact details of an electrician. 

It was reported that GTFC were ending their contract to use the Playing Field with immediate effect due to them being unable to police the away teams parking on grass verges and other unsuitable areas. It was confirmed and agreed that the amount due to be refunded is £545.28. At the time of the meeting, GTFC had not removed the goal posts.  

A Councillor registered their disappointment at the team withdrawing and raised the issue as to whether the conditions set within the contract were too restrictive.  The councillor also raised concerns as to whether the withdrawal in addition to the previous club not renewing their contract might have an impact on future sports grant applications.

No update on the car parking posts.

The Plans and Elevations for the toilet block were discussed.  Queries regarding drainage and access have been raised.  It was agreed that Councillors would read the documentation and queries be emailed to the clerk for future agenda discussion.

Bonfire waste stock piling was discussed following concerns raised by a resident.  It was confirmed that the fundraisers had been made aware of the concerns and had agreed to discuss the issue at their next meeting.  It was agreed that monitoring the field when waste is loaded on to the bonfire area is difficult, but councillors and fundraisers would try to minimise the problem.

Cllr Lowes is in the process of obtaining three quotes for maintenance of the bus shelter on the Green. One has been received for cosmetic works only. 
No further progress has been made regarding a dog waste bin on Marston Lane.  

It was agreed that the clerk would email Cllr Leadenham with the locations of bins currently emptied by SKDC – 1 next to the bus shelter on Sedgebrook Road, 1 next to the Cross and 1 next to the bus shelter on the Green.  Suggested location for a new bin would be at the end of School Lane (Marston Road) where it meets the field. Cllr Leadenham offered to then look into collection of waste for a new bin.

Cllr Baron confirmed that the cost of a new solar powered speed monitoring unit would cost £3,000.  It was suggested that local councils may be given discretionary powers over speed limits under the new government but at present, speed limits are assessed through the Archer Survey carried out by LCC.  The clerk to contact Cllr Whittington regarding the issue.

Cllr Leadenham confirmed that he has details for two councillors, the Speedwatch Coordinator and one guest due to attend the Belvoir Ward Meeting on Friday 22nd November.  The location will be emailed to the clerk on 20th November. Clerk to forward to Councillors.  

Cllr Leadenham asked if the clerk and councillors had received an email from Vistry Housing Group regarding a drop in at Grantham Museum on Thursday 21st November to see a vision for housing located between Allington and Barrowby.  No preplanning advice has been sought from Vistry but due to the size and proximity of the vision, Cllr Leadenham felt it was relevant to the Parish Council.  The email will be sent to the clerk to forward to all.  Councillors view on the vision should be emailed to the clerk.

Village Hall – Broadband, meeting, grant
Dog Waste Bin
Bus Shelter
Playing Field – car park posts and plans
Solar powered speed unit

Wednesday 8th January.   
Cllr Reynolds confirmed there may be an Extraordinary Closed meeting in December.

The meeting closed at 8.49 pm