October 2024 Minutes
Draft notes from the Parish Council Meeting held at Allington Village Hall on 9th October 2024
Present; Cllrs S Reynolds (Chair), S Marvin (Vice Chair), C Baron, J Plummer, C Storer.
In attendance; Rebecca Hilton (Clerk & RFO), one village resident / co-option applicant
1. Welcome
Cllr Reynolds welcomed all those in attendance.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given
Cllr A Lowes gave apologies for absence due to ill health.
3. To receive declarations of pecuniary interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
No declarations were made.
It was resolved to approve the draft notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 September 2024 as a true record of the meeting. Approval was proposed by Cllr Plummer and seconded by Cllr Baron.
5. VACANCY FOR A PARISH COUNCILLOR (previous agenda item 11)
Cllr Reynolds, chair, proposed that agenda item 11 - Vacancy for a Parish Councillor be moved following an application for co-option received on 8th October. The application had been circulated to all Cllrs for consideration on 8th October.
Cllrs resolved to move agenda item 11. Cllrs went into closed session to discuss the application. The session was reopened for the vote. The candidate was proposed by Cllr Marvin, seconded by Cllr Plummer and a vote was taken. It was resolved that Mr Julian Antony Scott become a member of the Parish Council. The Declaration of Office and the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests forms were given to the new Cllr for completion.
The clerk’s report comprised a list of correspondence received since the previous meeting held on 12th September as detailed on the agenda;
Bonfire Night request from PF fundraisers for a Temporary Event Notice to be arranged by the PC.
GTFC emailed requesting update on the PF container and access code to the toilet block.
Email received confirming second instalment of Precept.
LALC events and update emails received
Belton Garden Centre confirmed Albany Bench in stock for the WI. Free delivery.
Warm Spaces and Pension Credit email from Cllr R Leadenham Emails from LALC regarding the Webmaster and the temporary replacement
Report from the External Auditor regarding the AGAR forms
Email confirming draft plans for toilet block should be avail end of October
Email cc’d to PC regarding the Village Hall Drains – work to commence w/c 16.10.24 following confirmation by the Village Hall Chairperson to Inline Drainage Solutions who were the chosen supplier and should proceed with booking the works.
The clerk reported on remittance advice received and invoices recently paid.
New invoices received were read out by the Clerk. It was agreed that the following should be paid;
Invoice from PE Hempsteads £442.50
Invoice from the External Auditor totalling £300.00
Invoice from Graham Wade Farms for Stone at PF £396.00
Invoice from AVH for hire on 12th September £20.00
Applications sent out in advance of the meeting were read out by the clerk;
- Application No: S24/1523 Applicant: Graham Anderson Proposal: To replace the existing windows with heat efficient double glazed Georgian paned windows bespoke manufactured by Parkwood Joinery from accoya timber, and to remove the secondary double glazing from the interior. Location: Eastleigh , The Green, Allington, Lincolnshire, NG32 2EA App Type: Listed Building Consent. The forms, plans and any other submitted documents can be viewed by clicking on the following link, using the format S24/1523 www.southkesteven.gov.uk/planningsearch/ any representations your Council may wish to make upon this application no later than 4th October 2024.
- Application No: S24/1522 Applicant: Graham Anderson Proposal: To replace the existing windows with heat efficient double glazed Georgian paned windows bespoke manufactured by Parkwood Joinery from accoya timber, and to remove the secondary double glazing from the interior. Location: Eastleigh , The Green, Allington, Lincolnshire, NG32 2EA App Type: Householder. The forms, plans and any other submitted documents can be viewed by clicking on the following link, using the format S24/1522 : www.southkesteven.gov.uk/planningsearch/ Any representations your Council may wish to make upon this application no later than 4th October 2024.
Cllr Marvin agreed to make arrangements for the delivery and planting of the 4th planter from it’s current storage to the agreed grassed / roadside location where Bottom Street leads onto Sedgebrook Road. Cllr Reynolds offered to source an aquaroll for watering.
An email from the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee to the Drain Repairs supplier had been circulated to all prior to the meeting detailing that works are due to commence on 16th October. Cllr Storer let Cllrs know that quotes are being obtained by the Village Hall Committee for pointing and tiling repairs to the Village Hall roof. Cllr Storer confirmed that quotations for the provision the provision of Broadband in the Village Hall had been obtained and would be emailed to the clerk. It was reported that the Village Hall Committee need both a Secretary and Bookings Secretary and two fitness classes have been cancelled due to low attendance numbers. Race night is due to take place on 9th November. Cllrs suggested that further advertising of the event to make it a success is needed.
Cllr Plummer provided an update for Cllr Scott on the RoSPA report and confirmed that one of the defects reported has been repaired, others will be corrected progressively as time and weather permit.
No further update on the key codes.
Cllr Plummer updated Cllr Scott on the project to demolish the toilet block and build new and the choice of contractor. It was reported that following the setting of the agenda a draft proposal had been sent to the clerk by the Contractor. It was agreed that the clerk would forward the email to all councillors for information and discussion.
Cllr Plummer confirmed that a motorised post holer from Jewsons, needed for works to secure the car park posts, would cost £55.00 plus VAT for one day. 32 posts in total need replacing.
Access to the PF storage facility is still required. Clerk to contact Cllr Lowes and ask if any member so the PF fundraising committee has a key.
Cllr Plummer confirmed that the petanque security light has been fixed. A risk assessment was completed prior to works being carried out.
Cllr Baron confirmed that the WI would like the PC to purchase a bench in commemoration of their 105th Anniversary. The WI will maintain the proposed wooden bench available for purchase from a local garden centre. It was agreed that the parish clerk would purchase the bench and provide bank details to the WI to reimburse the council following receipt of an invoice. Securing the bench was discussed. It was resolved that anchor points secured into the base of each leg and the ground would be the best means of keeping the bench in place. Cllr Baron confirmed that the WI will source a commemorative plaque.
It was agreed that a bench for the petanque area be purchased when the weather is better.
Cllr Plummer provided a recap on the use of the playing field by Grantham Town Football Club to Cllr Scott. It was agreed that the clerk should let the club know that Bonfire night will take place on 5th November and advise them to store their goal posts securely to the MUGA on the netball area of the playing field prior to and during the event to ensure the posts do not melt from the heat and are secure.
Cllr Lowes due to provide an update on the bus shelter maintenance but due to apologies this item will be added to the next meeting agenda.
The External Auditor report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The report detailed that the Agar was submitted late. Councillors were aware of this situation prior to the report. The clerk reported that the information would be to be loaded onto the Website.
Cllr Storer reported that that the WI had requested a blanket of Poppies be put up over the village sign during the Weekend of Remembrance. It was resolved that Cllr Storer let the WI know Cllrs supported the request.
Cllr Reynolds agreed to look into the council charges for emptying the bin.
Cllr Baron confirmed that there was no change to the costs for the installation of a new solar powered unit. Costs remain approximately £4,000.00. Discussion took place regarding the 30 mph zone. Cllr Baron agreed to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to seek advice on remedies for traffic speeding through the village.
Discussion took place as to whether an addition grit bin is required in the village. Current bin is located at the playing field. Clerk to find out the costs of a bin and grit if available. It was agreed that if available the best location would be close to the Village Hall.
Cllr Marvin reported that Community Speedwatch has 3 new recruits for whom high visibility jackets are required. It was agreed that Cllr Marvin email the costs of the jackets to the clerk. Cllr Marvin to update Cllrs on the date of the next Community Speedwatch training. Cllr Baron offered to become a volunteer.
No report available as Councillors not in attendance.
Update on the bus shelter
Dog waste bins
Update on the PF storage facility
Update on Budget along with a six-monthly finance report
Mary Thomspon Expenditure / conditions of Grant
Renovation of swings
VH Broadband
VH Defibrillator cabinet
Wednesday 13th November – apologies given by Cllr Scott and Cllr Plummer.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.