October 2023 Minutes EOM
Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting
Allington Village Hall Meeting Room 16 September 2023 at 17:00hrs
Cllr Marsh
Cllr Lowes
Cllr Storer
Cllr Marvin
Cllr Plummer
Cllr Reynolds
Cllr Baron
1. Chairman’s remarks
Cllr Marsh welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence, Inc. acceptance of reasons
No apologies received.
3. Declarations of interest by Councillors
There were no declarations of interest declared
4. Resolution to agree the contract for GYFC’s use of Allington Playing Field
It was resolved to approve the contract for GYFC’ use of Allington Playing Field.
Proposed Cllr Lowes, seconded Cllr Baron all in agreement.
5. Meeting closed at 17:25hrs